I live in northern California where it's pretty much accepted that we don't get any measurable rain from about June until November/December. Well, not this year. This seems to be the year of Mother Nature's revenge. Tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, fires, droughts, earthquakes.
We are supposed to get measurable rain today and even more on Wednesday. That means, for me and many others, it's time to clean out the gutters. Not an entirely desirable job. It's gross, rotting vegetation that's been living about 12 feet off the ground. Enter reason #2 for not cleaning out the gutters - they're off the ground. A lot. I have a fear of heights that keep me from replacing the batteries in my smoke detectors, finishing the painting of my kitchen ceiling and trimming my beautiful, PITA tree (mimosa). Time to conquer my fears or risk having a bigger mess and problem down the road. And I'll have to do it again when said PITA tree drops its leaves, pods and silk flowers. UGH!
On a positive note, I won't have to water my plants for at least a week and we're supposed to go back into the 80's by the weekend. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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